Mia and Carol are birdwatchers.
So where were you? Huh? I was there--so were Carol, Mia, Alison (in charge) and Betsy and Kim. Where were the rest of you "community people?" We had a wonderful time trying on the gull hat, wings and then seeing what moving in them felt like. The binoculars were easier to use, mostly because they had no lenses. It's all in the focus.
Quarryography was full of milkweed pods, blocks of granite and some of us in very odd, elaborate dresses. Alison is thinking maybe shorts under the wings--Mia has made wonderful yellow and orange leggings that make legs look like bird-legs, but a little more substantial.
Trying to fly up in the air like a startled gull, whirl around a little, hover and settle is surprisingly comforting--it's an opportunity to see what it might be like to be a gull, but without the french fries.
The next rehearsal is Saturday at 10, and I expect that now that you have read this there will be an absolute dash for the gull hats, a little like Filene's basement on a good day. I'm ready. Maybe because I was there I get my choice? Nah. See ya.
I want to be a seagull!