Wednesday, August 4, 2010

opening night and another one

Ah, two performances under our collective belts. Opening night Tuesday was like magic--all those separate parts came together and made a work. We community members did our best to be professional--no waving to friends in the audience, not too much mugging and, best of all, we hit all our marks and made all our cues. Needless to say, so did everyone else.
It's funny about an event that you are working toward. Time becomes elastic--sometimes it's so far in the future you think it will never come, and then suddenly, there it is! And that's how it was/is with Q2:Habitat. Our first community rehearsal was before July 4th. It might have been June 26. Performance seemed a long way off, and even last week, it was only the future. Now it's half in the past.

Today we changed the bows slightly, but kept the performance as it was when it opened. When we dance off at the end, it's with a sense of pride and also, frankly, relief--hot, hard work on granite provides ample opportunity for injuries. So far, so good. And it's a real charge to come out into the quarry and see the edges lined with people, some in chairs, some on blankets, some sitting with their legs dangling over the edge. When you come, wear shoes rather than flip-flops. It's a good walk up. See you.

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